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A.    Complete the following sentences by using the best answer

1.      She______  a paragraph now.
a.       Writes                                      c. is writing
b.      Write                                       d. has written
2.      The best student_______ the new glasses since yesterday.
a.       Wears                                      c. is wearing
b.      Wear                                        d. has worn
3.      He______ 10 papers since he study here.
a.       Has written                             c. had written
b.      Have written                           d. has been writing
4.      Is your families still in Jakarta? Yes, ______ in Jakarta since 2003.
a.       They lives                                c. they are living
b.      They had lived                                    d. they have lived
5.      They ______a hole for 2 minutes.
a.       Have been digging                  c. are digging
b.      Have dig                                 d. had dig
6.      Clara ______a cup of tea yesterday.
a.       Drank                                      c. is drinking
b.      Has drunk                               d. had drunk
7.      We ______to some countries for the last few years.
a.       Have gone                               c. had been going
b.      Had gone                                d. are going
8.      You______ me here for 2 hours.
a.       Have been leaving                   c. are leaving
b.      Have left                                 d. had been leaving
9.      He ______ breakfast earlier today.
a.       Get                                          c. gotten
b.      Got                                          d. gets
10.  Nayla ______to the campus at 07.00 am.
a.       Walks                                      c. is walking
b.      Walk                                        d. walked

B.     Use the past perfect or past perfect progressive of the verb in paranthese.

11.  She (wake) _________ up at 05.00 am.
12.  I (text) _________ my friend, before I went to the cinema.
13.  The expert of American (accept) __________ the box three times for 2 years.
14.  A grandmother (give) __________ some money to a child, before she went to hospital.
15.  She (throw) _________ the rubbish to the rubbish bin.
16.  By the time, I (go) __________ to the school, I (slip) __________ in a way.
17.  Albert (call) ___________ you, before he want to Bandung.
18.  Clara (win) ___________ four times for 3 years, before she move to Dutch.
19.  They (show) ___________ in Bandung, after you went to England.
20.  She (paint) __________ 10 pictures when you met her.

C.    Changing the following sentences to passive form.

21.  She opens the door.
22.  We study English right now.
23.  We watched the movie.
24.  My brother picked me up from the airport.
25.  She is writing a letter.
26.  We have been studying English.
27.  The boy hits the cat.
28.  John and Tantry sing the song together.
29.  I can see the moon.
30.  I am going to pick you up.
31.  I should tear the letter.
32.  The child eat the cake.
33.  My father builds a stable.
34.  My sister cooks the soup.
35.  I feel like someone was following you in the forest.

D.    Please, combine the following sentences by using the word parantheses.

36.   Sinta goes to the market. She had finished her homework.
37.  Ragil wants to use the pen. He doesn’t has a pencil.
38.  My mother is really angry. I come late to come back.
39.  Father will go to Semarang. He wants to manage his office.
40.  Allan wears the jacket. He is a winner.

E.     Matching the following sentences.
Is Fatima here yet?

1.      All right, nothing special here.
I am not really enjoy  it.

2.      I don’t think so.
Have you ever see Maninjau lake.

3.      So, do I.
How much money you have.

4.      Not really.
It is not my concern.

5.      yes, I probably will.
I really like Indonesian movie.

6.      Yes, it is beautiful place.
It is interesting book.

7.      No yet.
Cooking the cake this morning.

8.      All right, I think so.
Are you ok today?

9.      I quite like it.
Will you come to the party tonight?

10.  That’s good.

11.  I had a lot of homework to do.

12.  It’s commonly.

F.     Complete the following sentences by using the best answer.

51. She told me that she  _________ kidding.
a. was                                                  c. is
b. am                                                   d. were
52. what ___________ she doing now?
            a. was                                                  c. were
            b. is                                                      d. are
53. What ___________ they doing last night?
            a. were                                                 c. was
            b. are                                                   d. are
54. I __________ a teacher anymore.
            a. am                                                    c. am not
            b. was                                                  d. was not
55. Can you wait for him for a minute? He __________ checked by security.
            a. were going                                       c. is being
            b. was being                                        d. are being
56. Ali __________ a doctor last year.
            a. was                                                  c. were
            b. is                                                      d. are
57. They __________ sleeping when I came to their house.
            a. are                                                    c. was
            b. were                                                            d. is
58. where __________ my bag? Do you see it?
            a. is                                                      c. were
            b. are                                                   d. was
59. when I spoke I saw that my mother _________ cooking.
            a. is                                                      c. are
            b. am                                                   d. was
60. ________ you feeling good?
            a. is                                                      c. were
            b. are                                                   d. was
61. _________ those people sad now?
            a. were                                                 c. was
            b. are                                                   d. is
62. _________ you help me?
            a. can                                                   c. will
            b. may                                                 d. would
63. _________ I borrow your phone?
            a. may                                                  c. could
            b. can                                                   d. would
64. Dara ___________ catch the fish in the sea.
            a. may                                                  c. was
            b. can                                                   d. is
65. Sorry, I am very busy now. I __________ help you.
            a. can                                                   c. can not
            b. may                                                             d. may not

G.    Complete the following sentences by writing a form of the verb given in the parantheses.

Della (be) __________  the best student in the class (66). She always (get)  __________ the highest score than her friends (67). She (study) ___________  in SMA n 1 Semarang now (68). When she (finish) ___________ their homework (69), she (help) __________ her mother (70). And she (want, not) ___________ a problem disturb her time (71). Because she (be) __________ from the simple family (72). She (always, pray) ____________ to God to help her in education (73). She (really. want) ____________ to be a professional lecturer  (74).  And she   (hope) _________ that to get a scholarship in abroad (75). She (dream) ___________  since in Junior High school (76). Now, she (become) ___________  a student college in England (77). How proud of her parent. But she (want) ____________ to invite her family (78)  (live ) ___________ in England also (79). She said that  “I ( improve, will) my ability” (80).

H.    Please, find and underline an error of the following sentences.

81. Those is a book that I bought yesterday.
82. I hope that I can to see the sunset tomorrow.
83. I don’t know who are you.
84. Elya like the Korean movie.
85. Agnes can not go to school because she were sick.
86. A woman and her child is waiting to see Dr. albert.
87. My cats eats the food.
88. The books that I bought at the bookstore was expensive.
89. Growing flowers are her hobby.
90. Everyone of my  friends are here.

I.       Choose the best sentence of the following sentences.

91.       a). Katty buys a flower now.
            b). Katty is buying a flower now.
            c). Katty has bought a flower now.
92.       a). My family has lived in Jakarta before We move to England.
            b). My father had lived in Jakarta before We move to England.
            c). My father had been living in Jakarta before We move to England.
93.       a). After I graduated I am going to be a teacher,
            b). After I graduated I will be a teacher.
            c). After I graduated I will have been a teacher.
94.       a). The boy whose wears the blue jacket is my friend.
            b). The boy whom wears the blue jacket is my friend.
            c). The boy who wears the blue jacket is my friend.
95.       a). Does Anna come today?
            b). Do Anna comes today?
            c). Are Anna come today?

96.       a). The United States is located in North America.
            b). The United States are located in North America.
            c). The United State was located in North America.
97.       a). What are you talking about?
            b). What were you talking about?
            c). What is you talking about?
98.       a). When I turned the ignition key, the car was starting.
            b). When I turned the ignition key, the car were starting.
            c) When I turned the ignition key, the car is starting.
99.       a). When the sun raises, it is appearing from below the horizon.
            b). When the sun raises, it was appearing from below the horizon,
            c). When the sun raises. It were appearing from below the horizon.
100.     a). I have not attended any parties since I came here.
            b). I have not been attending any parties since I came here.
            c). I have not been attended any parties since I came here.



A.    Choose the word is closest in meaning with the following statement.
We will discuss about “Career Woman” tomorrow.
a.       enjoyment
Don’t ever be deceit other works.
b.      doubtless
The bag is so costly.
c.       Dread
You have to practice your English so that to increase your pronunciation.
d.      Tired out
My pleasure, sister!
e.       Debate
I try to make homework, but I don’t understand yet.
f.       Enlarge
You made a mistake yesterday.
g.      Cheating
Everyone has a lack in their self.
h.      err
He must get consequence.
i.        Expensive
The day is exhaust for m.
j.        Endeavor

k.      Result

l.        Deficient

B.     Choose the alternative (A, B, C, D) which is closest in meaning.

11. Compete
            a. content                                c. imagine
            b. efficient                               d. whole
12. Collapse
            a. applause                               c. fall down
            b. be like                                  d. rotten
13. Everyday
            a. common                               c. strong
            b. real                                      d. weekday
14. Dread
            a. fear                                      c. loved
            b. distributed                           d. risked
15. Excessive
            a. by mistake                           c. unusual
            b. too much                             d. very good
16. Environment
            a. help                                      c. surroundings
            b. pleasure                               d. use
17. Encounter
            a. against                                 c. number
            b. meet                                                d. tell
18. Applause
            a. agreement                            c. demand
            b. clapping                               d. request
19. Ass
            a. fool                                      c. so
            b. silly                                      d. equal
20. Agony
            a. great                                                c. represent
            b. repeated                              d. very old

C.    Collect the following sentences by using the preposition “in, on, at”

21. I got up 2 hours ago ________ 8 o’clock.
22. Rossa worked in many different countries _________ the past.
23. she is working in Tokyo _________ the moment.
24. He had born _________ 1994.
25. I will help you ________ a moment.
26. I always go swimming ________ Friday.
27. Jane is ________ Paris ________ the moment.
28. People may travel to Mars _________ the future.
29. John has a business meeting ________ Germany.
30. She had arrived here ________ a week ago.

D.    Fill the following sentences by using “here, there, out, away, or abroad “.

31.  Please bring it _________!
32.  When we go ________ , we like to go ________ and see new countries.
33.  I’m going _________ tomorrow to my sister.
34.  Are you coming ________ next Monday?
35.  I want to leave this letter in Suci’s office. Are you going _________?
36.  Is Lily here? No, she is ________, but she’ll be back in about five minutes.
37.  I’d like to work ________ abroad and learn about a new country.
38.  Can you take it ________?
39.  I will continue my study to ________?
40.  Why are you ________?

E.     Choose and underline the word on the right which have the opposite meaning of the word on the left.

41.  Abandon                                       keep, loosen, ordinary, rare.
42.  Abhor                                            interesting, love, on shore, usual.
43.  Abnormal                                      keep. Many, normal, unusual.
44.  Abolish                                          dull, keep, unable, unusual.
45.  Coldness                                       heat, heed, secrecy, warning.
46.  Broaden                                        darken, frighten, narrow, widen.
47.  Brighten                                        darken, foreign, loosen, narrow.
48.  Boundless                                     bound, limited, sure, untie.
49.  Boredom                                       dress, fear, interest, wisdom.
50.  Bore                                              afraid, covered, died, interest.
51.  Boldness                                       cowardice, having lots hair, interest, shyness.
52.  Blunt                                             dull, fresh, sharp, swaying.
53.  Bitterness                                      decay, softness, sweetness, worse.
54.  Barren                                           dressed, fertile, open, poor.
55.  Badness                                         goodness, improve, improvement, sweetness.
56.  Ascent                                           bad smell, decent, descent, disagree.
57.  Ascend                                          be absent, descend, return, tend.
58.  Artificial                                        criminal, private, real, ugly.
59.  Approximate                                 exact, going away, refusing, unsuitable.
60.  Antarctic                                       agreeable, arctic, basic, partly.
61.  Annoy                                           carefully, hide, please, rare.
62.  Ancestor                                        calmer, descendant, descent, younger.
63.  Ample                                           avoid, pull, run, too little.
64.  Accidental                                     dull, keep, unable, unusual.
65.  Abstract                                        concrete, in part, present, reasonable.

F.     Choose the most correct idiom of the following sentences.

66.  The teacher believed that back to basic was important in her classroom.
a.       A for effort                                   c.  Bellow average
b.      Back to basic                                 d. Bookworm
67.  I decided to cut class in order to study for my a geography test.
a.       Cut class                                        c. Below average
b.      Eger beaver                                   d. Bookworm
68.  Someone who copies the work of another.
a.       Copy cat                                        c. Count collage
b.      Catch up                                        d. Cow collage
69.  My sister is a book and is always read a book.
a.       Brainstorm                                                c. Catch up
b.      Call the roll                                   d. Bookworm
70.  The teacher stopped to count all of student in the class.
a.       Count noses                                  c. Crack a book
b.      Cow collage                                  d. Eager beaver
71.  Learning sociology is as easy as than physics.
a.       Above average                              c. Back to basics
b.      As easy as ABC                            d. Flank out
72.  He always open the book to study every night.
a.       Cut class                                        c. Crack a book
b.      Crank out a paper                          d. Draw a blank
73.  I wrote the test in pencil so that I could erase my mistakes easily.
a.       In pen                                            c. Goof off
b.      In pencil                                        d. hit the books
74.  The boy was a very good student and quickly.
a.       Get through                                   c. Flank out
b.      Goof off                                        d. Honor roll
75.  The children learned all of the songs by heart for the school play.
a.       Knowone’s ABCS                                    c. Learn by rote
b.      Learn by heart                               d. Ivy league
76.  My sister was always the teacher’s favorite student when she was in the firs.
a.       Take the roll                                  c. Teach someone a lesson
b.      Show of hands                              d. teacher’s pet
77.  She records the name of persons who are attending school.
a.       In single file                                  c. Take attendance
b.      Teach someone                              d. Take the roll
78.  At a different location than the grounds of a college or university.
a.       Off campus                                   c. Take the grade
b.      Meet the requirements                  d. Publish
79.  He learn or memorize something without thinking about it.
a.       Learn by rote                                 c. Make the grade
b.      Read to oneself                             d. Read through something
80.  You have to fulfill the requirement to enter medical school.
a.       Off campus                                   c. Learn by rote
b.      All boy network                            d. Meet the requirement

81.  She receive official recognition and credit after passing.
a.       Goof off                                        c. Higher education
b.      Get credit for                                d. Get through
82.  I began to study hard.
a.       Get through                                   c. goof off
b.      Hit the book                                  d. Higher education
83.  A small group of older  and famous eastern US college.
a.       Learn by heart                               c. Cap and gown
b.      Get through                                   d. Ivy league
84.  Katty had stopped attending the class since tomorrow.
a.       Flank out                                       c. Drop out of school
b.      Eager beaver                                 d. Crack a book
85.  She writes out a paper in mechanical way.
a.       Crank out a paper                          c. Crack a book
b.      Cut class                                        d. Draw a blank

G.    Write a sentence by using phrasal verb below.
Phrasal verb
Account for
Act for
Agree to
Add in
Apply for
Ask in
Apologize for
Answer back
Agree with
Add up
Ask around
Approve of
Apply for
Back away
Be about to

H.    Fill the blank part by using Idiom or meaning which possible.
Idiom of Money
At my expense of time, effort or money.
Bet on the wrong horse
Buy off
Bring home the bacon
One’s last dollar.

I.       Fill the following sentences with the correct form of “say or tell”

106. Can you ________ me where the Plaza hotel is please?
107. She ________ me her name.
108. I ________ goodbye to her.
109. “Please, ________ me a story”, the little boy________.
110. “Come here!” the police officer________.
111. The teacher ________ that the students were very good.
112. You can ________ someone the tie.
113. She was sick yesterday,  John ________.
114. Mother wants to ________ her child a story.
115. why you come late? ________ me your reason!

J.      Complete these sentences with the appropriate preposition.

116. The new school reforms which plan to bring ________ regular exams for young            children are generally unpopular.
117. The long journey brought ________ labour and baby was born on the bus.
118. I think the strikes will bring ________ some changes in management.
119. If anyone can bring it ________, he can.
120. He won’t agree to it for me but she can always bring him ________ .
121. She brought ________ six children all on her own.
122. Last weekend we decided to start doing ________ our bedroom.
123. We agreed that we could do _________ without the old fireplace in the corner.
124. He  made ________ to her until she agreed to help.
125. What do you make _________ him?
126. I could do _________ something to eat.
127. We will have to do ________ a holiday this year as money is so short.
128. He did me _________ my rightful inheritance.
129. Let’s make _________ the city center and find a restaurant on the way.
130. Slavery was not done _________ with until last century.

K.    Choose one phrasal verb that you think is correct to complete these sentences.

131. They are very quiet. I wonder what they are _________ to?
132. He _________ his month’s salary in just one weekend.
133. What a relief that she ________ all her exams!
134. The rumor  soon ________ the whole village.
135. She’s ________ a bad attack of flu.
136. I’ll try and ________ of my lesson tomorrow.
137. Robert is _________ very well at school now.
138. However will we __________ without you?
139. It’s time you __________ to some work.
140. This weather is really __________ me.
141. We could never __________ on my salary alone.
142. I’ve _______ terribly ________ with my work.
143. The robbers _________ with several thousand pounds.
144. I hope the enquiry will __________ the truth.
145. We __________ only because we live very economically.

L.     Which of the words in the list below is being described in the following quotation?

Love                permanence               hope                jealousy          happiness       beauty
146. ……………… is no more than feeling alone among smiling enemies.
147. ……………… is like coke; something you get as by product of making something else.
148. ………………. Is the power of being cheerful in circumstances which we know to be desperate.
149. ………………. Is a universal migraine.
150. The British love…………. More than they love ………….


A.    Listen carefully the native says to you and complete the following sentences appropriate with the word that you listened.

1.      She has (fourty) (fourteen) (fifty) pens in her bag.
2.      They made a (abashed) (abase) (abash) thing yesterday.
3.       A (bird) (birch) (birth) is beautiful.
4.      Bring me (grown) (grey) (green) book.
5.      Some lines of poetry have five (feet) (foot) (fool)
6.      I am (fourteen) (fouryeenth) (fourty) years old now.
7.      She talks in (gasp) (gash) (gas).
8.      He had finished his (word) (work) (worm) before I come to his house.
9.      I have a (bag) (bad) (bat) story when I am in Semarang.
10.  I (grasp) (grass) (grash) the flower.
11.  You are so (fat) (fad) (fag) now.
12.  I have a new (back) (bag) (bat).
13.  You have a (chance) (change) (tranch) to change you life.
14.  My arem is (pain) (paint) (pan).
15.  We have a (plan) (plant) (plane) to go to the beach.
16.  You may not come (late) (lake) (lag) again.
17.  I want to buy a new (ball) (bald) (bolt) after this class.
18.  You are waiting the (car) (card) (cart) now.
19.  You have to bill the their (debt) (dap) (deep).
20.  The police will (shoot) (shout) (shut) the robber.

B.     Fill the gap  by using the word that you hear.

21.  He was born in _________.
a.       1994                b. 1984            c. 1894
22.  I ask to my father to buy________.
a.       A new moped             b. a blue moped           c. a red moped
23.  I get _________ from the office as a present,
a.       An old sport car                      b. a gold sports car                  c. a silver sport car
24.  I see _________ there.
a.       A light blue van                      b. a bright blue van                 c. a dark blue van
25.  I know __________ that you wait here.
a.       A green nus                 b. a grey bus                c. a grown bus
26.  There is __________ for today.
a.       The fast train               b. the last train                                    c. the face train
27.  They get __________ from the government.
a.       A dark brown mini                  b. a dark green mini                c. a mini appraisal
28.  Jane is starting a new job in_________.
a.       Office              b. cupboard                 c. bank clerk
29.  My sister goes o Mr. Smith’s office at__________.
a.       08.25               b. 08.45                       c. 07.45
30.  She wears________ since yesterday.
a.       A white glasses                       b. a black glasses                     . c. a dark glasses.
31.  We will meet in ___________ near from here.
a.       Palace restaurant         b. hongkong restaurant                       c. chinese restaurant.
32.  I am owner of ___________ in Bandung.
a.       Royal hotel                  b. rose hotel                 c. running hotel
33.  They went to ____________ yesterday.
a.       Star supermarket         b. everfresh supermarket         c. start supermarket
34.  I come here at___________ .
a.       07.35               b 07.25            c. 06.45.
35.  I bought a pair of __________ yesterday.
a.       Sock                b. sack             c. suck
36.  I go to Semarang by a__________.
a.       Cart                 b. cat               c. cut
37.  I tour by ___________ with my guide.
a.       Boat                b. bought                     c. bough
38.  Laura drinks ________ this morning.
a.       A cup of tea                b. a cup of coffee                    c. a cup of water
39.  Peter goes to school by___________.
a.       Bus                  b. cart              c. motorcycle
40.  I ___________ as the best actor in this year.
a.       Wind                           b. win                          c. wink

C.    Listen to the speaker and circle the correct word that you hear.

41.  a. fourty                b. fourteen                   c. fourteenth
42.  a.  see                    b. she                           c. sea
43.  a. pot                     b. pout                         c. put
44.  a. it                        b. eat                           c. at
45.  a. bird                    b. bear                         c. bard
46.  a. two                    b. to                             c. too
47.  a. law                     b. low                          c. allow
48.  a. wool                  b. wall                         c. walk
49.  a. dawn                 b. warn                                    c. warm
50.  a. fat                      b. fate                          c. fad
51.  a. fever                  b. viewer                     c. ever
52.  a. receive               b. conceive                  c. receipt
53.  a. hear                    b. here                         c. her
54.  a. ship                    b. sheep                       c. sip
55.  a. think                  b. thing                        c. thin
56.  a. thirty                  b. thirteen                    c. thirteenth
57.  a. teen                    b. tiny                          c. thin
58.  a. alive                   b. leave                        c. live
59.  a. now                   b. know                       c. new
60.  a. hit                      b. head                                    c. heat

D.    Regroup the some words that have the same sounds.

61.  Seize, size, conceive, police, demon.
62.  Fever, veal, socrates, view, thief.
63.  Veal, seal, tea, brief, she.
64.  Hymn, suffixes, quality, hilly.
65.  Bill, chief, rich, kid, be.
66.  Food, pool, put, june, shoot.
67.  Crew, hymn, new, piece, few.
68.  Police, unique, thief, few, routine.
69.  Force, born, hot, sell, sore.
70.  Blemish, sell, tell, spend, sweat.
71.  Ball, tall, alter, four, opere.
72.  Not, hot, wander, laurel, off.
73.  Floor, topic, door, hot, soft.
74.  Put, crew, bill june, full.
75.  Meat, concieve, eager, leaf, hymn.
76.  Head, sweat, sell, felt, opera.
77.  Bag, bad, tell, lag, done.
78.  Study, ballad, apend, punish, sweat.
79.  Done, among bastard, fur, none.
80.  Blemish, health, sell, punish, ten.
81.  Say, late, sweat, sell, rate.
82.  Dance, study, tranch command, chance.
83.  Staff, done, fern, tell, chaff.
84.  Column, modern, effort, autumn, game.
85.  Game, apron, steak, lame, fail.
86.  Steak, break, plato, fail, male.
87.  Raid, apron, lay, tail, effort.
88.  Fly, time, try, sky, toil.
89.  High, find, how, about, fight.
90.  Low, row, sow, toe, go.
91.  Idea, real, here, row, read.
92.  Bass, patriot, apron, steak, lame.
93.  Third, morth, word, leopard, fur.
94.  Plant, study, punish, slant, dance.
95.  Public, touch, dull, govern, but.
96.  Smile, boy, steak, bike, kite.
97.  Fight, about, allow, foul, shroud.
98.  He, sea, tea, bill, leaf.
99.  Here, hear, deer, peer, sheer.
100.          Toil, boy, voyage, toy, try.

E.     Which ones are the same of the following words?

101.          a. bad              b. bat               c. bad
102.          a. here              b. here             c. her
103.          a. apple            c. apply            c. apply
104.          a. lame             b. game            c. game
105.          a. tail               b. tale              c. tail
106.          a. steak                        b. steak            c. stake
107.          a. fly                b. high             c. fly
108.          a. plan              b. plane            c. plan
109.          a. dance           b. chance         c. chance
110.          a. sea               b. sea               c. see
111.          a. him              b. hymn           c. hymn
112.          a. fool              b. full               c. fool
113.          a. new              b. new             c. few
114.          a. receipt          b. receive         c. receipt
115.          a. food             b. food                        c. put
116.          a. veal              b. feel              c. veal
117.          a. tiger             b. eager            c. eager
118.          a. tall               b. tell               c. tall
119.          a. lay                b. lie                c. lay
120.          a. bird              b. bird              c. bit
121.          a. dear             b. deer             c. deer
122.          a. cloth                        b. cloth                        c. close
123.          a. fight             b. fate              c. fight
124.          a. shoot            b. shoot           c. should
125.          a. raid              b. red               c. red
126.          a. manage        b. manage        c. coinage
127.          a. four              b. for               c. four
128.          a. stir               b. steer             c. stir
129.          a. door             b. floor                        c. floor
130.          a. ten               b. ten               c. teen

F.     Circle the letters that are not pronounced in the following words.

131.          Wednesday
132.          Doubtful
133.          Debt
134.          Different
135.          Rospberry
136.          Far
137.          Half
138.          Palm
139.          Sharp
140.          Fern
141.          Should
142.          Would
143.          Card
144.          Govern
145.          High
146.          Fibre
147.          Feign
148.          Column
149.          Modern
150.          Shoulder
151.          Clear
152.          Court
153.          Purse
154.          Hurt
155.          Sort
156.          Bought
157.          Worn
158.          Worker
159.          Plumber
160.          Nurse
161.          Short
162.          Beer
163.          Night
164.          Either
165.          Thumb
166.          Obscene
167.          Regular
168.          Singular
169.          Fourty
170.          Harmful

G.    Listen to the words on the left and write down the the transcription

171.          Pair /                  /
172.          Rice /                 /
173.          Grow /                 /
174.          Care /                /
175.          Boil /                /
176.          Loud /               /
177.          Day /        /
178.          Beer /                  /
179.          Toe /                  /
180.          Night /                 /
181.          Thank  /                 /
182.          jaw /                  /
183.          Washing /             /
184.          Chip /                   /
185.          Thought /                /
186.          Short /                               /
187.          These /                    /
188.          Bull /                    /
189.          Food /                    /
190.          Pot /                     /

H.    Matching the following words that have the same sounds that you hear.
Similar of sounds
a. routine
b. hilly
c. lip
d. mouth
e. new
f. shoes
g. lame
h. food
i. public
j. tea

k. done

l. half

Grade: Senior High School

A.    Read the text below and then answer the following

Losari Beach

            Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach. Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.
            Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular area of nearly one hectare. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water.
            The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.
             In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel. The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

1.      Where is Losari beach located? 
2.      What attraction does Losari beach offer?
3.      Based on the text, how long is Losari beach?
4.      What is the name of the place where the children can play and run?
5.      How many hotels does the writer mention?
6.      According to the text, we may conclude that Losari beach is suitable for whom?
7.      What is the main idea of the text?
8.      This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach. (paragraph 1)
9.      Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean…. (paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean?
10.  Long of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. (paragraph 2)
The word “approximately” in line 7 is closest in meaning to....

B.     Read the text carefully and then choose one correct answer.

              Water is very precious  to people. They use it in almost activities they do. Primarily, they use water for domestic purposes such as drinking, food preparation, bathing cleaning, and watering plants. Secondarily, water is used for industrial processes, commercial protect. Realizing how important water is for drinking and food preparation. Clean water which is free from disease-causing bacteria should always be available. Boiling water is the traditional way to get healthy drinking water. Clean and healthy water is also necessary for bathing and cleaning; fish and plants need water which is free from pollution.
              As the population of the world increases, people are now facing a serious problem of water pollution, especially in big cities. The growth of population does not cope with the development of housing facility.  Consequently, too many people live in one area, and environmental cleanliness cannot be controlled very well. People’s  activities are chemical substances that affect the natural condition of water of its intended use. Organic wastes from homes and industries contaminate the water. As the result,  waterways like rivers, lakes, and even oceans are subjected to pollution. This polluted water is harmful to living things that consume it. Plants cannot grow well and do not yield good quality fruit. Fish do not grow and breed properly. This in turn, will affect the health of people who consume them
             Water pollution is really a problem for all people. They however cannot overcome this individually. They need to cooperate as responsible citizens. They should not throw away domestic wastes everywhere. They must not dump harmful substances into the rivers. Industries must realize the importance of recycling rubbish. And above all, they should not let the chemical waste get into the rivers or other public waterways.
11.  The following are the primary uses of water except …
a.       it is not available everywhere                 d. it is hard to get
b.      we cannot use it everyday                     e. we can use it to wash
c.       we use it in almost all activities
12.  Water is very precious because …
a.       find more water                                  d. explore the earth for more water
b.      boil the water                                      e. keep water usable at all times
c.       use as little water as possible
13.  What do fish and plants need ? They need …
a.       uncontaminated water                                    d. water from rivers
b.      a large quantity of water                     e. waste water
c.       clean and healthy water
d.      Polluted water is very dangerous to ….
14.  Polluted water is very dangerous to ….
a.       water is difficult to find                     d. too many people live in one area
b.      they need too much water                  e. the development of housing facilities
c.       water is needed there
15.  Polluted water is very dangerous to ….
a.       Animal                                                            d. the people
b.      all living things                                    e. health
c.       environment
C.     Complete the text below and choose one correct answer.
Beauty (be) ……..(16) a beautiful girl. She was also hard working. She always (help)……..(17) her father on the farm. One day, her father set out for the city. He (see) ……..(18) an old castle and went in. No one was in there but there was food on the table ! He picked a rose from the garden for beauty. Suddenly an angry beast appeared. He (want)…….(19) to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was (bring)……..(20) to him.
Beauty’s father told his daughter what had (happen).……..(21). Beauty’s sisters ordered her to see the beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She (try)……..(22) to run away but was stopped by the beast.
The Beast (treat)……….(23) Beauty well. Soon Beauty began to like the Beast. One day through the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. The Beast (allow) ……..(24) her to go home. Her father was happy to see her.
One night Beauty had a dream. A fairy told her that the Beast was sick. Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell on to the Beast. Suddenly the Beast (changed)………(25 )in to a handsome prince. Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.

            26. What happened when Beauty’s father picked up a rose from the garden ?
a. he changed into a beast                   d. the beast changed into a handsome prince
b. a beast killed him                            e. a beast appears and want  to kill him
c. beauty changed into the beast
27. Why did Beauty like the Beast ?
a. because the beast gave her a rose    d. because Beauty knew that he was a prince
b. because the beast released her father          e. because the beast was very rich
c. because the beast treated her in a good manner
28. What does the writer intend to do with his text?
a. describe the story of the Beauty     d. tell a news to the readers
b. review a text for the audience        e. explain how the Beauty got married with  the beast
c. entertain the readers
29. The resolution of the story is found in paragraph……
a.       1                        b. 2                              c. 3                  d. 3 and 4        e. 4
30. “ She felt scared, lonely and sad. “ (paragraph 2) The word “scared” means….
a. proud           b. brave           c. frightened    d. boastful       e. indifferent

D.    Read the text below and choose the correct answer

The Story of the Smart Parrot
            A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no another parrot like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano. The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Sat CAtano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk.
            One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.”
In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.
            The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!
            He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!
31.  Where does the story take place?
A.   London                                          D.   Jakarta
B.   Puerto Rico                                  E.   Buenos Aires
C.   Indonesia

             32. What is the word that the parrot cannot say?
A.   Catano                                         D.   Canato
B.   Tacano                                          E.   Nacato
C.   Nanaco

              33. How often did the owner teach the bird how to say the word?
A.  Always                                          D.   Many times
B.  Everyday                                        E.   Every second
C.  Every Minute

             34. Which statement is true according to the text?
A.   The parrot could say Catano       
B.   At last the parrot could say Catano
C.   Catano was the name at the parrot
D.   The man never got angry at the parrot
E.   Every second the owner teach the bird

E.     Complete the text below

Last holiday my students and I (go)………(35) to Jogjakarta. We (stay)………(36) at Morison Hotel which is not a long way from Malioboro. On Friday, we (go)……….(37) to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We (go)………(38) by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is (remodele)…………(39). On Saturday morning we (go)……….(40) to Yogya Kraton. We (spend)………...(41) around two hours there. We (tobe)……..(42) fortunate on the grounds that we (tobe)…….(43) (drive)………(44) by a brilliant and amicable aide. At that point we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we (hear)………(45) the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we (leave)……….(46) Jogjakarta by bus.

Once upon a time there (live)………(47) a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly (destroy)………..(48) the homes of all the rats. Many of them (tobe)………...(49) even (crush) to death.
Then taking of rats (decide) to approach the elephant's chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant's king (apologize)…………(50) and (agree)………(51) to take another route. And so the lives of the rats  (tobe, save)………..(51).
One day elephant-hunters (come)………..(52) to the jungle and (trap)……….(53) a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly (remember) the king of the rats. He (summon)………..(54) on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and (tell)………..(55) him about the trapped elephants.
The rat's king immediately (take)………..(56) his entire group of rats and they (cut)……….(57) open the nets which (trap)……….(57) the elephant's herd. The elephant herd (tobe)…………(58) totally set free. They (dance)………..(59 )with joy and (thank) ……………(60 )the rats.

The Story of the Smart Parrot
 A man in Puerto Rico (has)………..(61) a wonderful parrot. There (tobe)……(62) no another parrot like it. It (tobe)……….,(63) very,very smart. This parrot (will)……(64) say any word-except one. He (will)……….(65) not say the name of the town where he (tobe, birth)……...(66). The name of the town (tobe)………..(67) Catano. The man (try)………(68) to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird (will)……….(69) not say the word. At first the man (tobe)………..(70) very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Sat CAtano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot (will)………(71) not say it. Then the man (get)………(72) to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird (will, not) talk.
One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man (get)……….(73) very angry. He  (pick up) the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.”
In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They (tobe)………..(74) for Sunday’s dinner. The man (put)………….(75) the parrot in the chicken house and left.
The next day the man (come)………..(76) back to the chicken house. He (open)………(77) the door and (stop)……….(78). He (tobe)……….(79 )very surprised at what he saw!
 He (see)……….(80) three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!

The Stronger Man
The blacksmith (tobe)………(81) also a fine tall man, with brod shoulders and strong arms. The general (ask)……….(82) him to bring out one of his best horse-shoes.
The blacksmith (do)……….(83) so. Then the generral, looking at it, (say)……..(84), “this is poor stuff. It will hot stand work. Look here!” he (take)…………(85) it in his strong hands, and with one twist, he (break)…………(86) the iron like a biskuit.
For a moment the blacksmith (look)…………(87) at him then he (bring)………..(88) out another shoe, which the general (treat)………….(89) in the same way. Then, the general said, “I see it no use picking and choosing among such a trashy lot. Give me another shoe, and let me go away”.
The blacksmith (bring)…………(90) another shoe and (fitt) it on the horse . then the general (toss)………….(91) him a gold coin. The blacksmith (hold)……….(92)……… up the light and said, “this coin of yours is poor stuff, lord. Look here!”
He (take)………….(93) the coin between his finger and thumb, and one pinch, (crack)………….(94) it in two like a water.
It (tobe)…………..(95) now the general’s turn to stare. He (give)…………(96) the man a second coin and it was broken in the same way.
Then the blacksmith said, “I see it is no use picking and choosing such a trashy lot; give me another coin and we will say good bye”.
The general looked at him, then burst into a laugh, “fairly caught!” then said, “my man, I (promise)………(97) all money in my purse to anyone I met stronger than my self. You shall repent having met me”.
And the general was as good as his word.
There (tobe)…………(98) a very famous general was fond of saying that he (will, give)………(99) a was stronger than himself.
One day, when the general was out riding with some friends, his horse stumbled and cast a shoe. There (tobe)……….(100). There was a village just a head, the horse was led up to the door of a blacksmith.


A.    Change into simple compound sentences!

1.      I visited museums and I sat in public gardens.
2.      He ate the food and he drank the beer.
3.      I work all day and I often get home late at night.
4.      Brenda will not sell her necklace. She will not give her necklace away.
5.      The government will build new hotels. The government build an immense stadium.
6.      Rika is going to Jakarta. Sandy is going to Jakarta.
7.      Father bought a small car. It was very expensive.
8.      I ran to the station. I missed the train.
9.      Mr. Donald dreamed of retiring in England. He planned to settled down in England.
10.  Albert may leave the class. Albert may stay quietly.

B.     Write the facts of the following conditional sentence.

11.  If Tyo caught the dog, he would take care of it.
12.  If Rio hadn’t played tennis, he wouldn’t have broken his leg.
13.  Miss Sita would go to the party if she got the invitation.
14.  Father wouldn’t have been angry if he hadn’t opened your bag.
15.  I would take you if Ihad a motocycle.
16.  If Rita had returned the book, I would have finished my assignment.
17.  Diana would pass the exam if she prepared her lesson well.
18.  If I had wings, I would fly over the sky.
19.  If I had been rich, I could have brought the big house.
20.  They would not have been angry if you had told them the fact carefully.

C.    Write some sentences with the following words.

21.  Who: ………………………………………………..
22.  When: ……………………………………………….
23.  Whom: ………………………………………………
24.  Whom: ………………………………………………
25.  Which: ……………………………………………….
26.  That: …………………………………………………..
27.  Where: ………………………………………………..
28.  Whose: ……………………………………………….
29.  Who: …………………………………………………
30.  Whose: ……………………………………………….

D.    Identify the following sentences whether it is compound or complex sentence by underlining the conjunctions.

31.  Miss Ida hasn’t been here since he tragedy occurred.
32.  Robbie doesn’t work in an office; he works in a department store.
33.  The doctor was so busy when I got there.
34.  My boyfriend came when I was watching TV.
35.  I couldn’t walk, so I was taken in an ambulance.
36.  Maria is a friendly girl, and she is very diligent.
37.  Tomoko speaks English fluently, but she doesn’ understand Indonesian.
38.  Are you going to my house or will you stay here?
39.  Adi’s father is a teacher and his mother is a secretary.
40.  We must go now because it is quite late.
41.  Mother is cooking in the kitchen, and father is reading a newspaper.
42.  Rico is tall but Mario is short.
43.  This is the wrong book; that is the right one.
44.  Josh plays soccer. Josh plays rugby.
45.  They wanted to go to Australia, but they decided to wait until December.
46.  Although Nia is sick, she still goes to school.
47.  I have to go her housee, before she goes to Jakarta.
48.  We have to hurry, or we missed the bus.
49.  When I was studying, Riko came into my room.
50.  I didn’t go to school because I was sick.

E.     Write some sentence by using the following word.

51.  Although
52.  So
53.  So that
54.  Therefore
55.  But
56.  Or
57.  After
58.  As
59.  Before
60.  For
61.  In case
62.  While
63.  However
64.  Since
65.  As soon as
66.  Furthermore
67.  Yet
68.  Nor
69.  Not only, but also
70.  And

F.     Combine the following sentences by using the elliptic construction so, too, either, or neither.

71.  Students must obey the school regulation. Teachers must obey the school reguation.
72.  I got a scholarship last year. My brother got a scholarship last year.
73.  Umar is  going to take a piano course.
74.  Lions will not attack human if they are not disturbed. Tigers will not attack human if they are not dsturbed.
75.  Naura didn’tsee the concert. Jaka didn’t see the concert.

G.    Please add the correct punctuation of the following sentences.

76.  She has a good job. yet she is always broke.
77.  I have to quit dozens of times. She says: but can’t.
78.  My aunt, his wife, did of lung cancer,
79.  He does not enjoy skiing, ice skating or sledding.
80.  It is not logical; is it?
81.  My uncle believes in drinking a daily of wine too.
82.  My father on the other hand has never smoked.
83.  He swims for an hour everyday for example.
84.  She wakes up a 05,30 am.
85.  I like banana, apple and strawberry.
86.  He also plays tennis; beating me most of the time.
87.  He laught as he says: I will outlive all of you.
88.  Stop smoking today, she advised.
89.  Nervously I Threw away my cigarettes.
90.  As a result, I feel terrible right now.

H.    Write down 10 sentences based on parallel structure.


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